When you are laying flex track, you often have to cut a tie or two off each end to make room for the rail joiners. Once the track is down, you have an unsightly and unrealistic gap in the ties.

It’s simple to fill in this gap. Keep those cut off ties for later use. I have a drawer in my toolkit for plastic ties saved from the ends of flextrack, and when I junk a piece of flextrack for whatever reason, I keep the ties.

You have to remove the molded-on rail guides before installing them on your layout. I use an X-acto knife to cut them off.

I suppose you could use a Dremel tool with a grinding attachment to remove them, but a sharp knife works well. Just keep your fingers out of the way, as the knife can easily slip.
Once the clips are removed and the top of the ties are relatively smooth, put some white glue on the bottom of the tie so it will stick to the roadbed.

Then just slide the ties under the rails to fill the gap. The glue will get spread around as you slide, and since it’s white glue, it’ll dry clear.

Don’t worry if the spacing isn’t precise. The prototype doesn’t space their ties precisely either!