I visited the Manitoba Mega Train 2017 show today (October 1, 2017). As always it was a good show with a lot of displays, vendors, and activities for the young and the young at heart.
I was impressed by this Proto:48 diorama of a prairie grain elevator.

The N scale “Mainliners” travel around the prairies exhibiting their layouts at train shows. I liked it! (See a video from Moose Jaw)

I have to say that the Win N Trak group has a LOT of customized display material – chairs, tape, banners – well organized!

The Portage la Prairie Model Railroad Club had an impressive layout!

These kids were fascinated by the PMRC layout.

Doug and Florence McBride of Gladstone, Manitoba had a table with their models. Quite impressive!

The Kildonan Short Lines modular group were exhibiting again this year, and they joined their layout to the NMRA / FreeMo group to make a massive layout. I think they could have used a dispatcher, though – a lot of trains were running around!

There were quite a few vendors at the show, as usual. I was happy to finally meet Rob Arsenault of Weather My Trains in person, after corresponding with him online for a few years. A great guy who does great work.
Here’s a view of some of the vendor tables:

Of course, the free train ride around the show was active and very well attended.

Thanks to the Manitoba Mega Train 2017 organizers for another great show… looking forward to 2018!
See Also